Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Join the conversations Monday to Redefine Teacher Education

Monday, December 7, 2009 is a special day for several reasons. Two years ago, I had the privilege to witness memorial services for military veterans at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, as part of our Oklahoma World War II Digital Learning Project. As always, I’ll be remembering our Pearl Harbor veterans and those traumatic events from 1941 on December 7th.

Paul Goodyear, Dick Pryor and George Brown in December 2007 remembering the Pearl Harbor attack, at Pearl Harbor

This year, December 7th is the start of week 1 of the FREE K-12 Online Conference. Last night our pre-conference keynote speaker, Kim Cofino, shared more about her presentation in a wonderful pre-conference keynote. That session via EdTechTalk and Ustream was recorded and the archive video is available. Bookmark the official K-12 Online Conference schedule and stay tuned for more updates starting Monday!

December 7th also happens to be the start of an important week of conversations in Austin, Texas, at an “invitational summit” titled, “Redefining Teacher Education for Digital Age Learners.” Even if you’re not able to attend in person (as I’m not) you can still participate via live presentations, archived presentations, and interactive discussion forums. According to the website setup for the event,

Through a series of working sessions over two days, participants will work collaboratively to develop a shared vision describing:

  1. Key characteristics of effective teachers for digital age learners
  2. Critical elements of teacher education programs that will produce teachers with those characteristics
  3. Barriers that prevent such programs from being implemented
  4. Policy and action recommendations that will eliminate the barriers and enable the realization of a new model for teacher education

Redefining Teacher Education for Digital Age Learners-1

I’m going to be teaching two sections of “Technology for Teachers” this spring at the University of Central Oklahoma, here in Edmond. I’m excited to hear the ideas shared by presenters at the upcoming Austin conference.

Join the conversations about this important topic for the future of teacher education next week on

Hat tip to Chad Fulton for the heads up on this conference.

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2 responses to “Join the conversations Monday to Redefine Teacher Education”

  1. Karen French Avatar

    Thanks so much for sharing the info on our Redefine Teacher Ed. Invitational Summit! Just to let folks know… the virtual summit section will go live on Monday morning. We’ll kick it off with a live webcast of Tom Carroll’s presentation on “Pathways to 21st Century Teaching” at 8:25 a.m. CST on 12/7/09.

    Some of the presentations will take place in rooms that don’t have videoconferencing capabilities. Those will be posted to the site as soon as we can upload them to our YouTube channel.

    Thanks again!

    Karen French
    UT Austin Learning Technology Center

  2. Gary Stager Avatar

    Am I the only one alarmed by how the same handful of high-tech industry corporate shills and unimaginative edtech standardistas are convened to solve every problem, real or imagined in the universe?

    I suppose there isn’t too much room for alarm since this event is unlikely to produce anything more significant than the vague and profoundly unimaginative ISTE Standards or the happy talk of the Partnership for 21st Century Profits.