Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

A focus on high test scores is all you need

This just in… St. Maximus Academy proves a focus on high test scores is all you need! Politicians, administrators and parents, rejoice! Students, repent… thy judgement awaits thee…

This one minute video is a teaser-trailer for “The Bracey Report On the Condition of Public Education, 2009.” (PDF – Nov 2009) Now that’s an innovative way to encourage others to look at your research findings!

Here’s an excerpt from the paper:

Test scores, however, are an imperfect instrument for judging the quality of a school, or, as Iris Rotberg has observed, the quality of any national education system. Nevertheless, they are the currency of the day. In testing terms, data (detailed below) indicate that increases in high-quality schools will have to come largely from low-income neighborhoods, where students with the most challenges have long been served by the most under-resourced schools. Thus, the key question becomes can schools alone overcome the difficulties associated with poverty? Advocates who answer yes usually contend that to be high-quality, schools need only high standards, high expectations, and strong principals leading a faculty of highly qualified teachers. However, terms like “high standards” and “high expectations” are usually left undefined, as if their meanings were self-evident—which they are not. Ignoring such gaps in rationale, No Child Left Behind’s reliance on testing and sanctions codifies the conception that schools alone are capable of erasing the achievement gap and need only to be required to do so.

Looks like an excellent read. I’ll be delving further soon… I hope!

Via anderscj.

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