Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Will Operation Chokehold Bring the AT&T Network to its Knees Friday?

I do not, as a rule, link to blogs or social media sources who/which use any type of profanity. Frequently profane (but also often witty) blogger Fake Steve Jobs has generated a veritable firestorm of attention this week, however, which warrants a mention and commentary. The following are some mainstream media and other blog headlines, forecasting possible doom (at least temporarily) for AT&T’s network on Friday. Here are a few examples:

ABC News: ‘Operation Chokehold’: Fake Steve Jobs Rallies iPhone Users to Cripple AT&T Network

The Christian Science Monitor: Operation Chokehold: AT&T, FCC condemn Fake Steve Jobs plan

Mashable: iPhone Users Urged to Take Down AT&T

Crunchgear: Operation Chokehold will blow up AT&T on Friday

MacRumors: AT&T Unimpressed With ‘Operation Chokehold’ Proposal to Strain Cellular Network

Cult of Mac: Get Ready AT&T: Operation Chokehold Has More Than 1,600 Facebook Fans and FCC Calls Operation Chokehold “Irresponsible,” Fake Steve Backs Down

The following words in last Saturday’s post, “Operation Chokehold,” were the catalyst for predicted mayhem Friday:

On Friday, December 18, at noon Pacific time, we will attempt to overwhelm the AT&T data network and bring it to its knees. The goal is to have every iPhone user (or as many as we can) turn on a data intensive app and run that app for one solid hour. Send the message to AT&T that we are sick of their substandard network and sick of their abusive comments. THe idea is we’ll create a digital flash mob. We’re calling it in Operation Chokehold. Join us and speak truth to power!

Apparently this was shared initially as a joke, but iPhone and social media users have taken the invitation quite seriously. Just HOW seriously it will be taken Friday remains to be seen.

Clay Shirky, in his book “Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations,” identifies three distinct categories of social media use: Sharing, Cooperation, and Collective Action. Fake Steve Jobs appears to have galvanized many to move to the third tier of social media participation.

What will you be doing Friday at noon PST with your iPhone? I think I’ll be watching videos on YouTube over 3G. We’ll see what happens.

H/T to James Deaton for letting me know about the hoopla over this.

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2 responses to “Will Operation Chokehold Bring the AT&T Network to its Knees Friday?”

  1. Dave Dugdale Avatar

    I couldn’t resist – I created a short spoof video on “operation chokehold”

    Embed it in your post if you like.
