Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Clever Operation Chokehold Spoof Video

In the style of the now-famous “Mac versus PC” advertisements run by Apple, Dave Dugdale created a clever 30 second spoof video poking fun at AT&T for its recent announcements and response to “Fake Steve Jobs’” exhortation for iPhone users everywhere to “speak truth to power” and engage in collective action via Operation Chokehold.

While the cumulative effect of Operation Chokehold on AT&T’s network performance was apparently small, the focus this event brought in mainstream as well as social media channels to the “performance issues” of AT&T WAS significant.

H/T to Dave Dugdale for this link.

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One response to “Clever Operation Chokehold Spoof Video”

  1. Dave Dugdale Avatar


    Nice site you have, I enjoy your writing style.

    Is there anyway I can shameless request that you link to my site to provide me credit for the video I did? I would really appreciate it!

    Dave Dugdale