Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Blog posts that hide spoilers

This evening before bed, I asked both of my kids to write some new posts on our family learning blog. My 9 year old almost finished hers, but still wants to do some additional editing before publishing her post. My son wrote two, but for the second one he asked me to help him learn to hide some of the text so it wouldn’t immediately reveal a book spoiler he was going to include. (I’m still reading the book, so he’s being thoughtful of me as a member of his blog audience.)

I figured out how to toggle text on and off, wrote a post about how to do it, and Alexander was able to publish his post using that coding method.

This is probably the geekiest “before-bed request for help” I’ve received from one of my kids to date.

I love it. 🙂

We Can Blog It!

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One response to “Blog posts that hide spoilers”

  1. Andy Avatar

    Hey there Wes,
    If you can figure out how to do it bring your class of Tech 4 Teachers over to Sequoyah and spend some time in my room. We could come up with some great projects between students in the real world and teachers to be.