Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Things I Want To Model As Your Teacher

On the first day of class this semester in “Technology 4 Teachers” at the University of Central Oklahoma, I shared the following fifteen minute / nineteen slide presentation with my students on the topic, “Things I Want To Model As Your Teacher.” I’ve shared this as a synchronized Slidecast on SlideShare.

I tried to publish this entire Slidecast using the Ubuntu Netbook Remix operating system on my netbook, and was able to upload the PDF of slides in FireFox fine. I was not, however, able to open and listen to my mp3 audio recording or get my Plantronics headset to work readily. Rather than wrangle further with the OS, I just went back to my MacBook Pro to edit the audio in Audacity and publish this to SlideShare. I still need to get the Open1to1 Ubuntu image running on my netbook, which has over 100 educational applications pre-installed. I’m sure I’d have better luck using it for multimedia production with Linux on Ubuntu. This reaffirms the recommendation of our StoryChasers Mobile Learning Collaborative, that while students should be provided with netbooks running open source software in 1:1 projects, teachers should be equipped with Apple laptops running the best operating system for creating and sharing multimedia.

Hopefully the variety of classroom communication tools we are using in T4T this semester will help us realize many of the goals I discussed in this presentation. This was the list of things I shared in this preso:

  1. Mobile access to content
  2. Minds on, engaged F2F learning
  3. Hyperlinked writing
  4. Sharing as default behavior
  5. Presentation Zen
  6. Fun
  7. Courage
  8. Humility
  9. Professional Digital Footprint
  10. Clear Expectations
  11. IP Understanding & Respect
  12. Daily Scribe Posts
  13. Deft swimming in a river of content
  14. Passion for Public Education

On the topic of “modeling for our students,” what have I left out? What sorts of things do YOU want and try to model for your students in class?

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4 responses to “Things I Want To Model As Your Teacher”

  1. Vance Stevens Avatar

    Hey Wes, as a further illustration of what we’d like to model as teachers, I’m giving a presentation at the CALICO conference today (partly about modeling 21st century skills as a way of getting teachers to in turn model them for their students), and I put it online here:

    At the bottom of that document I placed this annotation:

    One nice thing about an online document as opposed to one published in hard copy is that it can be annotated. This morning I was out jogging at dawn and listening to a podcast by Wesley Fryer, who mentioned his slideshare presentation “Things I want to model as your teacher”, so when I returned to my room (I’m at the CALICO conference where the book [where the print version of my talk] appears is being distributed to all delegates) I Googled it [and linked to your presentation here]

    Thanks for helping to illustrate the modeling concept, and for sharing, but it’s percolative, isn’t it?

    cheers from Amherst,

    Final thought from @wfryer podcast;
    the system will push us back;
    networking together is the way forward