Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Crescent Public Schools: The Eyes of Oklahoma Are Upon You!

Tomorrow on Thursday, February 4, 2010, the Oklahoma State Board of Education will hold it’s monthly meeting at Crescent Public Schools.

Oklahoma State Board of Education heading to Crescent!

This is a BIG deal. Crescent Public Schools is one of only FIVE public school districts in Oklahoma (out of 530+) which is currently implementing a 1:1 learning initiative. That will change later this spring with the announcement of ARRA-funded grantees for 1:1 learning projects, but even when those projects begin 1:1 learning will still be the exception rather than the rule in our state. Oklahoma State Board of Education members have heard about Crescent’s 1:1 program and want to learn more about it, as they should. What better way to learn about the program than traveling there for a meeting, and getting opportunities to visit with both students, teachers, and administrators?

I am crushed that flight schedules would not permit me to fly from Rochester, Minnesota this afternoon and get back to Oklahoma City tonight, so there is no way I could attend and storychase this event tomorrow. If you’re going, please share a blog post about what you see and hear, and tweet me a link as an @ reply. It would be great if we could have a student Storychaser team there on site, webcasting like Van Meter students in Iowa did last week from their state legislature!

My thoughts and best wishes go out to all the teachers, students, and administrators at Crescent Public Schools tomorrow morning! The Eyes of Oklahoma Are Upon You! 🙂

Eyes are upon you

To read more about Crescent Public Schools, in addition to checking out their website see my posts “Oklahoma Students: Modeling Digital Education and 1 to 1 Learning” (Feb 2008), “Crescent Public Schools: A Beacon for Oklahoma Education” (Nov 2008), and “Leadership, Vision, and Student Achievement (Panel)” (Nov 2009). Dawn Danker wrote a great guest blog post here in July 2009 which addressed Crescent Public Schools and their 1:1 leadership which is also worth revisiting: “1:1 Teaching & Learning Session, OK SDE Leadership Conference.”

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