Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Present at OSSBA in August 2010

I received the following via email today from Terri Silver, Director of Board Development for the Oklahoma State School Boards Association:

With the beginning of the New Year, the annual OSSBA/CCOSA Conference and Exposition will soon be here! This year’s conference will be August 27-29th at the Cox Convention Center in Oklahoma City.

Enclosed, please find the application for presentation for breakout sessions. Sessions can be 1 or 2 hours in length. New this year- we are also taking applications for pre-conference (3 hour) sessions on Friday morning. However, these sessions will be very limited in number.

We encourage anyone who has something valuable to share or showcase with school districts, board members or administrators to apply. A conference committee will review all applications and we will let you know if the application is accepted by May 1st.

We look forward to hearing your presentation proposal.

Thank you for your time.

Terri Silver
Director of Board Development
terris [at] ossba [dot] org

This information does not appear to be available yet on the OSSBA website. I’ve shared this as a read-only Google Doc, which you can (if desired) download locally to edit and submit via snail mail.

The deadline for proposal submissions is Monday, March 15, 2010. Note the following sentence at the end of the proposal form:

Each room will be set theater style with a head table and four chairs, screen, and podium microphone. OSSBA/CCOSA does NOT provide live Internet access in session rooms.

My work for CASTLE this week with K-12 principals in Minnesota has energized me to share more technology leadership workshops, presentations, and resources for our administrators in Oklahoma. I can think of multiple session possibilities for OSSBA, addressing things like our Storychasers Mobile Learning Collaborative, the Celebrate Oklahoma Voices digital storytelling project, the Unmasking the Digital Truth project to address misconceptions about content filtering in our schools, Social Media Guidelines for Educators, as well as other topics. (How about “Digital Magic Tricks for School Administrators?!”)

If you’re a member of our “Celebrate Oklahoma Voices” learning community, please consider sharing the digital stories you’ve created and your students have created with others at OSSBA. This is a great chance to open the eyes of school board members around our state to the constructive potentials of social media technologies.

Iowa K-12 students from Van Meter did a great job getting the attention of their legislators last week, and helping open their eyes to our need for legislative support of 1:1, project-based learning. We need to do the same thing in Oklahoma.

Cross-posted to the Storychasers blog and the COV Learning Community.

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One response to “Present at OSSBA in August 2010”

  1. JJ Avatar

    If you are speaking with administrators, please help to make them realize that they are going to have to put technology as a priority in the budget. At many districts it is still considered a luxury rather than a necessity. I have too many things locked down with the firewall and content filter simply because there is barely enough bandwidth to function. I would love to get some great Web 2.0 projects going in classrooms, but we are barely functioning now. Upgrades are expensive but can no longer be considered optional. E-rate helps but can’t be depended on to carry the entire load.