It’s VERY important we practice and help other learners practice visual storytelling. I’m growing fond of three word phrases which summarize elements of the ISTE NETS. Talk with pictures. Communicate with media. These are some of the ideas which underlie the “Tell a Story with 5 Photos for Educators” project and Flickr group, created by Karen Montgomery.
Jim Groom’s post “The Shining in 6 Frames” is an example of how this same idea of telling a story in 5 or 6 images can be used to summarize visual narratives like films.
What essential concepts in your curriculum could students summarize visually in 5 photos? After they’ve created visual summaries, they can be readily taken into VoiceThread for narration with audio. This is the simple idea I used three years ago to transform (with my 3 year old’s help, of course) the 5 photo story about “Getting a new Haircut” into the VoiceThread digital story, “Getting a New Haircut.”
A simple but very powerful idea. I like powerful ingredients for blended learning. 🙂
Technorati Tags:
education, flickr, iste, learning, nets, photo, school, storytelling, visual, voicethread
3 responses to “Summarizing concepts in 5 or 6 images”
I’m playing with the same ideas, as you know, and have to admit I steal shamelessly from Tom Woodward, his 6 Frame Comic Summaries, I’m also a huge fan of his more recent post about Modernist Posters.
Great stuff there.