I’m catching up on my Flickr media posting this evening as we watch the Olympics, and just uploaded 146 photos and videos from the METC conference this past week in St Louis. Here are a few of my favorites!
The biggest highlight for me at METC 2010 was definitely being able to meet Darren Kuropatwa at last face-to-face, and spend some good time together over coffee and food. I’ve known and worked with Darren for four years, since K-12 Online began in 2006, and it was superb to get to visit in St Louis this week.
Did you know Darren was so tall?!
My 9 year old daughter and I finished reading and listening to the book, “Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief” on our drive up to St Louis last Sunday, and she had fun role-playing Annebeth at the St Louis arch on Wednesday! We weren’t able to buy a NY Yankee’s ball cap for her monologue at the arch, but I think it’s still quite believable!
One of my favorite iPhone applications continues to be Pano, and I had a lot of fun with it in St Louis. These were some images Pano stitched together for me at the top of the St Louis arch!
This was our METC keynote/spotlight speaker dinner on Monday night. What a special time to get to meet and visit with this super group of folks! Sarah had fun too!
Technorati Tags:
metc, metc2010, metc_CSD, missouri, photo, video, stlouis, arch, annabeth, percy, jackson
One response to “Favorite photos and videos from METC 2010”
Your daughter is very expressive. She has a personality that seems to be missing with so many people today. My son went to see the movie today. He is ten and we let him meet a friend and watch the movie without a parent. All went well and he rated the movie as an 8. 1 being the worst with 10 being the best. An articulate child is so much more rewarding than any number of blog posts one person could write.