The following is a cross-post from my “Technology 4 Teachers” (T4T) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) blog.
I tried to use voice memo on my iphone to upload voice comments to my VoiceThread, but its telling me that to do this I have to upgrade my VoiceThread account and pay for it. What other options do I have?
The screenshot above highlights your five options. These are visible in VoiceThread when you click the COMMENT link under a photo.
- Record a voice comment with a microphone connected to your computer.
- Type a text comment with the keyboard.
- Upload an audio or video comment you record with another website or program. ( is a free phonecasting service you can use, or Audacity is a free audio recording program that will work. Either way you’ll want to get a mp3 audio file, and then upload that to VoiceThread.) Your iPhone memo recorder works too, but you’ll have to sync your iPhone to iTunes, find the Voice Memo playlist which iTunes automatically creates, and then drag the recorded memo to your desktop or other location where you can subsequently find it / upload it. See below for upgrade options, if you register for the FREE educator account you can (I think) upload audio and video.
- Use a computer webcam to record a video comment.
- Use a phone to directly record a comment. That was the option you tried, and as you discovered only 3 minutes are provided for free. Use one or more of the other five options listed here to comment.
If you don’t see all five of these options, you probably didn’t register for a free K-12 educator VoiceThread account. You can register for that account using your .edu address, or alternatively pay a one time $10 fee upgrade your account to “Pro Educator” status.
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voicethread, comment, options