Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

How do you feel about students bringing laptops to class?

A week ago at Northeastern State University in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, I shared a presentation with faculty titled, “Technology Trends in Higher Education.” During the session, I used a PollEveryWhere survey to ask attendees:

How do you feel about students bringing laptops to class?

These are the results from our faculty survey on April 9th.

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While many faculty were positive, there were several session attendees who did NOT have positive perceptions of student laptops in the classroom.

I showed the following video, which I posted here on March 10th with the title, “A professor who takes laptop banning too far” after surveying faculty about their laptop perceptions.

Certainly this video portrays the far end of the spectrum when it comes to faculty perceptions about student laptops, and is likely not representative of a majority of professors. The issue of CONTROL is contentious in the classroom, however, both in higher education as well as K-12 classrooms. I think this video can provide a good context to discuss many of the issues which come up when everyone in the room has access to a mobile, wireless learning device.

Hat tip to Berlin Fang of Oklahoma Christian University for sharing this video during his presentation at the Heartland eLearning Conference at the University of Central Oklahoma in March.

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One response to “How do you feel about students bringing laptops to class?”

  1. Tim Mai Avatar
    Tim Mai

    Hello, This is tim mai again from the University of South Alabama and I justed wanted to say that I love using my laptop in my classes. But it’s tricky because some professors will let you use them and some will not. When I use my laptop I’m mostly taking notes. But it comes in handy when the teacher is taking about a topic and I could look up some extra material on the subject.