Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Thanks for making a difference for kids every day

As an educator, you do not hear these words nearly often enough: “Thank you for your service.” Thanks for the big things and the little things you do each day which make a positive difference in the lives of the children you teach, lead, and love. Our world is a better place because of the choices you make each day, and I want to say thanks. Whether you lead a school district or serve as a teacher-aide in an elementary classroom, the job you do is important and the young people you influence are changed because of the opportunity they have each day to be with you.

Thank you. Tests and curriculum standards don’t make our schools great, great educators do. You make the difference, and it isn’t easy to do this day in and day out. Thanks for the gifts of your time, your energy, your passion, and your care. There is not an adequate price which can be paid for these contributions you make to the present generation.

For each one of these, you make a difference.

Thanks to Linda Birsner for sharing this great video, (“Star Fish Story – Making a Difference Every Day“) this afternoon at our church’s Sunday School teacher appreciation luncheon.

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One response to “Thanks for making a difference for kids every day”

  1. Holly Longenecker Avatar

    Yes, yes, and yes. I would love to send a shout out to all of my old teachers and say THANK YOU! I am where I am because of my teachers, and hopefully I will have students that will be in a better place after I have worked with them. The world is theirs. Let us teach them how to make it work best for them!