Mete Akcaoglu defines “sketchcasting” as:
… an attempt to merge the power of blogging with the “high-bandwidth” experience of talking and scribbling at the same time… it’s effectively a podcast with a whiteboard.
He’s created the YouTube channel Sketchcaster, and has eight examples posted there to date. He’s posted his sketchcasts over on His sketchcast, “RSS For The Masses” reminds me a little of Lee LeFever’s approach with his “In Plain English” video series. It’s kind of amazing that RSS has STILL (as Mete states in this 2007 video) not “gone mainstream.”
These videos are essentially real-time screencasts, using a software program which supports line art drawing. I’m guessing Mete used some kind of touchpad, like a Wacom Bamboo. Watching these, I’m enthused to think about the iPad and the possibilities it could present for sketchcasting.
One of the most effective Sketchcast-like videos I’ve seen in the past few weeks is the YouTube video, “Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us.” This is narrated by Dan Pink (Author of “Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us“) and was created by RSA Animate. It’s just under eleven minutes long, and is well worth watching not only to see the time-elapse sketchcasting method but also to hear Dan explain the basic thesis of his new book.
I think the stopmotion / speed-up effects of this video make it even MORE effective than a real-time sketchcast.
See the RSA Animate blog, RSA Comment, for even more examples. Do you know of a software program (for Windows, Macintosh, or iOS) which allows users to sketchcast? I’d love to be able to use an iPad app like Brushes and either record a real-time sketchcast, or record the pen strokes and then LATER record an audio track which is merged with the sped-up version of the drawing screenshots. Lots of creative possibilities here!
H/T to Punya Mishra for sharing the IdeaPlay blog where I read Mete’s post.
Technorati Tags:
drawing, podcast, podcasting, sketch, sketchcast, sketchcasting, blogging
6 responses to “Sketchcasting: A combination of blogging, talking and drawing!”
Thanks for this post. I really love the idea of sketchcasting. I can easily see middle school students using a combination of Jing and a tablet pc to create amazing projects. And, this is an excellent example of project-based learning that is very doable…not too much training involved…get right to the learning.
I plan on writing about this on the Teacher Experience Exchange,, and using this next year for several projects. I’m just brainstorming how great this would be for foreign language classes.
Mark Brumley
Disclaimer: I am a representative of the HP Teacher Experience Exchange community and may receive compensation for my participation on third-party sites. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Larry Ferlazzo blogged about Slimber, an app with a draw and playback feature. No audio.
Here’s another great RSA Animate. Very cool stuff. Thanks lots of connections for student development if have right equipment Hope you figure something out 😉
In answer to your question, try VideoScribe HD app for your i-Device of choice. It does all of the above and you don’t need to actually draw yourself!
Thanks for the suggestion, Sandy! I added VideoScribe HD to my list of tools/apps on the “VIsual Notetaking” page of Mapping Media to the Common Core:
I use Educreations and Explain Everything but more recently Brushes on iPad to capture a similar animated drawing/mindmap then narrate over the movie after – more time consuming but more professional looking. You can see how I used this on the following link: Let me know what you think, Nicki