Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Screentime stats for youth and the Open Learning Exchange via @fastcompany

From the April 2010 article, “A Is for App: How Smartphones, Handheld Computers Sparked an Educational Revolution:”

“Gemma and Eliana belong to a generation that has never known a world without ubiquitous handheld and networked technology. American children now spend 7.5 hours a day absorbing and creating media — as much time as they spend in school. Even more remarkably, they multitask across screens to cram 11 hours of content into those 7.5 hours. More and more of these activities are happening on smartphones equipped with audio, video, SMS, and hundreds of thousands of apps.

The new connectedness isn’t just for the rich. Mobile adoption is happening faster worldwide than that of color TV a half-century ago. Mobile-phone subscribers are expected to hit 5 billion during 2010; more than 2 billion of those live in developing countries, with the fastest growth in Africa. Mobile broadband is forecast to top access from desktop computers within five years.”

This reminds me of the “Did You Know 4.0” video stats on the growth of mobile technologies:

Mobile technology can be constructively disruptive. Consider this quotation from the same FastCompany article:

“Whereas [Seth] Weinberger wants to improve teaching practices at existing schools, [Paul] Kim focuses overwhelmingly on empowering kids to teach themselves. He sees technology as a liberating force, helping kids in rich and poor countries alike bypass schools, with all their waste, bureaucracy, and failures, entirely. “Why does education need to be so structured? What are we so afraid of?” he asks. “The more you expect from a kid, the smarter they’re going to get.””

Of course, technological disruptions for education involve content as well as hardware. This article references the “Open Learning Exchange,” created by Richard Rowe who headed up OLPC initially until differences with Nicholas Negroponte led him to found his own content- focused collaborative.

This is exciting OER work! We need to get on board with these types of open content initiatives in our US schools! Consider this closing quotation from the FastCompany article:

“This idea, common among these tech-driven educational entrepreneurs, imagines a new role for teachers. “The main transformational change that needs to happen is for the teacher to transform from the purveyor of information to the coach,” says Weinberger of Innovations for Learning. As Rowe puts it, “Up until very recently, most communications were hub-and-spoke, one to many. The Internet is a many- to-many environment, which is in the early stages of having a major impact on education. It involves a fairly major change in the concept of what education is, which is one of the reasons we use the term ‘learning’ as distinct from ‘education.’ It’s student-centered and student-empowered.””

Bring on the learning revolution!

Hat tip to Steve Kiser for sharing this article!

Mobile blogged with my iPhone using the Notes app.

Posted via email from wesley fryer’s posterous






One response to “Screentime stats for youth and the Open Learning Exchange via @fastcompany”

  1. Katie Watson Avatar

    Wow! The first video on this post was amazing!!! The stats are unbelievable! I hope I love long enough to see how society will adapt to the changes in technology in the next 50 years or so. I am a student in Dr. Strange’s EDM310 class. Thank you for posting this! This opened my eyes!