Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Great case for Educators building PLNs for PD

The following blog comment from Dan Lourcey makes a strong case for why ALL educators today need to build personal learning communities [PLNs] as 21st century learners.

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H/T Miguel Guhlin

Here’s the text version, shared by Dan Lourcey, in case the image version above is not readable in your location or on your device:

I have been out of the classroom for approximately five years, working very closely with teachers, principals, superintendents in my work at NC Virtual School. I have received the best PD I have ever had in the last 9 months, in entire 18 years I have been in education. I attribute this capacity building to my PLN–through technology that has transformed my learning approach and ability to teach and coach adult learners. My thinking has morphed into something altogether different than when I was in the classroom: more need of problem solving, critical thinking, collaboration, connecting, etc. I always have considered myself a good teacher, but if I returned, I feel certain that I would better teacher, even a great teacher, only because I now know how to harness the power of resources like technology. To that end. technology would not just be a tool and not in siloes but seamlessly integrated into the climate and culture of my room; I would be much more focused on my free-agent learners, understanding that they know what is best for them and how they learn, and therefore able to make choices to customize their own learning. So now, I get to play in the sand box with leaders, helping them close their own gap between knowing and doing–very exciting.

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