Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Quickstart Guide for iMovie ’09

This evening I created a four page “quickstart guide” for iMovie ’09, focusing specifically on the steps required to use iMovie for our Storychasers “phase 1 workshops” for Celebrate Oklahoma Voices and Celebrate Kansas Voices. This document is shared under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license. If using, please give credit to To facilitate sharing, I’ve uploaded the file to Storychasers’ Scribd account. This PDF is also available as a direct download from our Storychasers website.

Quickstart Guide to iMovie ’09

I’d estimate at least 90% of the teachers who have been participants in our Storychasers workshops to date (about 800 people) have used Windows-based computers at school and therefore used PhotoStory3 to combine their audio and photos to create videos. Our PhotoStory handout, as well as others we use in our workshops, are available on our COV project wiki. This week, for our initial Celebrate Kansas Voices workshop, almost all our participants are using Apple laptops and iMovie ’09. We’ve used several different iMovie handouts in the past, but none have been adequately customized to the specific steps we recommend teachers follow in our workshops. Hopefully this handout will make the process of learning and using iMovie easier. This week our video count on Celebrate Oklahoma Voices will exceed 800, and educators will publish our first workshop-created videos on Celebrate Kansas Voices.

Feel free to use this handout for your own professional development workshops and needs!

Learn more about Storychasers and our workshops on our Storychasers project wiki.

Cross-posted to the Storychasers blog.

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4 responses to “Quickstart Guide for iMovie ’09”

  1. Wendy Avatar

    Thanks for posting the iMovie handout. I’m going to share it with my colleague who is teaching the iMovie section of our new technology course this fall – it looks great! 🙂

  2. Shelley Owen Avatar
    Shelley Owen

    Thank you Wes!