Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Podcast356: Discussing EV (Electric Vehicle) Technology and Plugin Hybrids with Nathan Parrow of Oklahoma Robotics LLC

This podcast is a recording of an interview with Nathan Parrow of Oklahoma Robotics LLC, discussing EV (electric vehicle) technology and plugin hybrids. According to their website: Oklahoma Robotics LLC is a group of design engineers ready to take on your custom project.  They have worked in various fields including electronics, programing, audio/video, computer, renewable energy, electric vehicles, and more. We are now the US distributor for the LifeTech lithium line of products.  Call us to find out about this quality line of lithium batteries and how we can customize it for your specific needs. Oklahoma Robotics is one of the few companies in Oklahoma that offers EV conversions and EV conversion consultation.  Nathan Parrow is a Oklahoma State certified EV technician. We are now offering classes in basic electronics and robotics featuring LEDs and Beetle Bots.  Contact us for more information about teaching a class for your group or event. [end of website description] I met Nathan thanks to the workshop Oklahoma Robotics offered about making LED light pens and “painting” with LED light pens and digital cameras at the Oklahoma City CoWorking Collaborative. Refer to the podcast shownotes for links and resources related to our conversation on Friday, August 27, 2010.

Show Notes:

  1. Oklahoma Robotics LLC
  2. EV Conversion with Oklahoma Robotics and Helios Electric
  3. Oklahoma Robotics Association
  4. Oklahoma City CoWorking Collaborative (OKCCoCo)
  5. OKCCoCo on Twitter: @okccoco
  6. Who Killed the Electric Car documentary (WikiPedia)
  7. Miles Electric Vehicles
  8. Bring on the EVs (electric vehicles,) EV Conversion Kits, ZERO Emissions Cars and Plug-In Hybrids (post 22 Aug 2010)
  9. How to End America’s Addiction to Oil by James Woolsey (WSJ 15 April 2010, login required)
  10. Archived PDF: How to End America’s Addiction to Oil by James Woolsey (PDF archive version, WSJ 15 April 2010, NO login required)
  11. Painting with Light! LCD Pens, Circuits and Creativity (post 10 April 2010)
  12. Painting with LED Light Pens and Sidewalk Chalk (post  27 May 2010)
  13. Maker Faire OKC – Coming in Spring 2011!
  14. Jaycut, not YouTube, has the best online, free video editor today (description of my Tesla Motors video)
  15. Meet the Tesla Electric Car! (YouTube)

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