Luis Suarez of IBM provides an optimistic view of the future of email in yesterday’s Mashable article, “A World Without E-mail: One Man’s Vision of a Social Workplace:”
“With technology changing rapidly, it’s worthwhile to wonder if ten years down the line, e-mail may still be as prominent in our lives as it is today.
“We will still have e-mail in ten years,” says Suarez. “I don’t want to kill all e-mail, but I want to help people re-purpose it. We will see traditional tools like e-mail redesigned to be used for what it was originally designed for.”
For Suarez, the e-mail of the future will look something like this:
“You get an alert, telling you how and where you can go and grab content … it won’t just be a notification system, but a read-write opportunity with the option to engage back so that information is no longer stuck in an inbox.””
Bring on that future!
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