Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Track your baby’s every move with Baby Connect

We have several new babies in our extended family, and today I learned about a new app my cousins are using to track the activities and development of their first child.

Baby Connect is a web app and an iOS app. Log times your baby eats, mom nurses and pumps, diaper changes, hours of sleep, and more. I was most impressed with the growth charts, which overlay percentile comparisons for your baby’s age. Lots of metrics here!

This may seem like documentary overkill, but for busy parents juggling schedules the data can really be helpful. The app syncs to the web, so both parents have access to the latest logged data.

I’m just wondering if their 2nd and 3rd children will have such extensive documentation of their first year of life?!

Hat tip to my cousin, Devin Henley, for this share.

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