Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Talk with Media: Visual Literacy and Digital Storytelling #learning2cn

To provide our cohort participants at the Learning 2.010 conference in Shanghai this week with robust resources related to our topic, Carol Jordan and I spent most of the day creating a new site on Wikispaces titled, “Talk with Media: Visual Literacy and Digital Storytelling.”

Talk with Media: Visual Literacy and Digital Storytelling

One of the wiki elements we spent the most time discussing and creating was “Categories of Student Digital Storytelling Projects.” We found good examples of student-created digital storytelling projects and categorized them. We came up with the following nine categories:

  1. Audio Podcasts
  2. Narrated SlideShow
  3. Visual Essay
  4. Tutorial
  5. Concept Teaching
  6. Thinking Out Loud
  7. Activity or Event Report
  8. Public Service Announcement
  9. Transformative

The last category, “Transformative,” we define in the following way:

Our transformative video category includes videos which transcend the other categories we’ve included. They may include a call to action and seek to change the way we think as well as act. They do not simply convey information or tell a story. They may change the way the audience thinks or acts about a particular issue. The issues addressed are often contemporary, significant, real-life issues which matter.

Are you aware of a framework someone else or another organization has created which is similar to this? Websites like the University of Houston’s “Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling” have example projects organized by content area, but I haven’t seen this kind of framework for categorizing student video projects. We’d love your thoughts and ideas on this, we’re sure we haven’t been as comprehensive as we could be.

In addition to sharing suggestions for these categories, I’d love to add more links to our “Galleries of Student Created Videos” page.

Hopefully this wiki and proposed framework for categorizing student video projects will not only help our Learning 2.010 cohort participants but others as well integrate the use of visual media and digital storytelling in classroom lessons.

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