Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

K-12 Online Conference Presentation Teasers! #k12online10

The 2010 K-12 Online Conference starts on Monday, October 11th with Dean Shareski‘s pre-conference keynote. The next two weeks, 40 presentations by educators and students from around the world will be posted both to the conference blog and the conference Ning. Five presenters have created short, “teaser videos” to whet our appetites in advance of their full presentations. I’m really looking forward to learning from these educators AND students in this year’s conference!

Kathy Cassidy will be presenting “Primary Digital Portfolios” with her students in our Student Voices strand.

Dolores Gende will present “C4 Leveraging the Power of Wikis and Blogs in Student Learning” in our Student Voices strand.

Rodd Lucier will present “Creative Commons: What Every Educator Needs to Know” in our Leading the Change strand.

Lorna Costantini will present “Digital Parent Engagement – Supporting Student Learning in our Leading the Change strand.

Monika Hardy will present “Students Redefine School” in our Student Voices strand.

A complete list of 2010 K-12 Online Conference keynote speakers as well as presenters is available. If you have not already, please join the K-12 Online Conference Ning to “register” for this FREE conference. Also follow K12Online on Twitter and Facebook!

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