Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Welcome to the 2010 K-12 Online Conference

At the request of Leigh Zeitz (Dr. Z) at the University of Northern Iowa, I created a short (5 minute) introduction and overview to the 2010 K-12 Online Conference which started today.

Leigh and others in Iowa have made arrangements for several past presenters of K-12 Online to skype into their upcoming ITEC conference in Coralville, Iowa, and they are going to introduce attendees to the WONDERFUL, free learning which is available via K-12 Online. Read more about it on Dr. Z’s post.

If you have not already, please join our K-12 Online Conference Ning. 🙂

Our full conference schedule for 2010 is now available on our wiki. Video and audio podcast feeds will be up and available soon!

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2 responses to “Welcome to the 2010 K-12 Online Conference”

  1. Lindsay Bierwirth Avatar
    Lindsay Bierwirth

    Research Questions for boys ages 3 to 6 (Pre School to Kindergarten

    1. How much time an “average” kindergarten boy is on the computer?
    2. Are they learning on the computer or is it only play?
    3. Pros and cons of using technology in Kindergarten?
    4. Anecdotal stories of boys engaging with computers?
    5. How has play and interests of preschool and Kindergarten boys has changed as a result of increased computer use?

  2. Wesley Fryer Avatar

    These are great questions Lindsay, I’d recommend you post them on Classroom 2.0:

    I’m sure you’ll get some good answers there!