Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Action Research: What Do We Know About Learning in the Cloud?

These are my notes from Sandra Plair’s session “Action Research: What Do We Know About Learning in the Cloud” at the “Teaching and Learning in the Cloud Conference” in Holland, Michigan on 21 Oct 2010. MY THOUGHTS ARE IN ALL CAPS. Session description:

We often consider the technologies we use to be beneficial for teaching and learning, but how do we REALLY know? This session will focus on the use of action research as a strategy that teachers can use to examine (and find evidence for) the impact that cloud based tools, or whatever technology you are implementing, has on learning and teaching. We’ll also look at the process for submitting a proposal for the Action Research Award from MACUL, which was developed to share findings about implementation efforts and their effect of students

Sandra Plair is @miztech on Twitter

MACUL Action Research Award

Action Research:
– Allows for self evaluation and assessment
– can be very effective to share what works in our classrooms

Action research is teacher research, investigating their own practice

Manfra in 2009 cited in Hendricks observes action research began back in the 1950s

Action research is a spiral and content specific
– taking action, studying consequences, studying what happens and then sharing the results

Australian educational action researchers define the process this way:
– Questioning
– Planning
– Implementing
– Observing
– Reflecting
– Re-planning

Consent from children and parents is always important for action research

Control groups not required but can be very helpful

There do NOT appear to be many teachers and university educators now doing action research and publishing findings on blogs
– couldn’t find common tags for action research on

Practitioner journals
– Educational Leadership
– THE Journal
– The Clearinghouse
– Learning and Leading with Technology
– MACUL Journal

We want MACUL to be the go to organization about research in educational technology
– action research can share results faster

Award is $500 that goes into your pocket
MACUL Action Research Award
Deadline this year is 15 Dec

Recommended resources:
– “What Works: A Practical Guide for Teacher Research” by Elizabeth Chiseri-Strater and Bonnie S. Sunstein
– Action Research Journal
– Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, Jan 2009 issue dedicated to action research

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad



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One response to “Action Research: What Do We Know About Learning in the Cloud?”

  1. Sandra Avatar

    Wes, thank you for this plug to encourage teachers to not only consider action research but to apply for the MACUL SIGPL award. Let’s not forget the opportunity to share action research during our roundtable session at the conference in March of 2011.