Using the first beta release of PG [Podcast Generator], in March 2006 we created Pluriversiradio, a web site to collect podcasts and to provide web surfers with the proper feeds for getting files from their podcast aggregators. The contents of this site are strictly related to courses, seminars and conferences held at the University of Bergamo. Despite [being] born as a small size experimental project, Pluriversiradio was subsequently hosted by the Interdepartmental Centre for e-learning of our university, and our software library has been installed and used by about one thousand podcasting portals in Italy and abroad, such as the Universities of Aarhus (Denmark), Caen Basse-Normandie (France), Central Queensland (Australia), Delaware (USA), and Pisa (Italy).
I've used the open source software platform Podcast Generator this semester to create and share audio lecturecasts of my "Computers in the Classroom" undergraduate course at UNT. I learned today, reading Marco Lazzari's 2008 article for Computers & Education, "Creative use of podcasting in higher education and its effect on competitive agency," that thousands of universities across Europe and the world now use Podcast Generator.
Pluriversiradio is online at How exciting to both witness and experience the disruptive power of digital sharing and open source creativity. Behold, the power of F/OSS!
For more resources, ideas and links related to lecturecasting, see my wiki curriculum for "Lecturecasting with Audio and Video."