Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Empowered to Constructively Create on MediaWiki

I love this statement by a Scratcher about becoming empowered in his use of MediaWiki to share knowledge about Scratch:

After editing a lot, another administrator on the wiki, named Juiceybox on the Scratch Website, made me administrator. This was a big step. Now, I could really make major interface changes, and make it more eye-catching. More importantly, this motivated me to actually use my powers, and not waste them, and use them to get people to join, and create a wiki with the sum of all Scratch knowledge.

Note the language here: Trust and empowerment led Andres to use his powers for GOOD and not for evil. He was empowered to not only create constructively but also share and lead. What an instructive story for us as educators! Read the full tale:

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