Please join me tomorrow at 6 pm CST (Fri 19 Nov 12:00AM GMT) for my keynote during the 2010 Global Education Conference. The session title is, “Share Your Ideas: Platforms for Publishing.” This is a LIVE, online presentation hosted by Elluminate. This is the link to the Elluminate session room, which will open one hour prior to the session. (I’ll be a little early!) My presentation slides are available on SlideShare.
This is the first presentation I’ve created which entirely uses screenshots taken on my iPad, and then imported into Keynote. (There’s a fast way to do this!) I did use Cloud Browse (now 99¢) to capture a few of the screenshots which included Flash-based content. Referenced resources for this presentation are available on my wiki. My keynote is sponsored by Educational Collaborators.
Technorati Tags:
education, ideas, presentation, share, globaled, globaled10