Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

365 Photo Blog: Posterous, WordPress or just Flickr?

Bob Sprankle has (along with others like Alan Levine) inspired me to start a 365 photo blog in 2011. I’m contemplating options for setting up the blog, and am wondering whether a Posterous blog or a WordPress blog (probably on a subdomain of would be my best choice? Bob uses WordPress ( and Alan uses Flickr sets (I don’t think he posts these to a separate blog.) I know free apps like PicPosterous and Posterous can make mobile 365 photo blogging very speedy, so that’s why I’m considering Posterous. I’m most likely going to shoot all my photos for the year with my iPhone4.

For those readers who have (and/or currently) participate in the 365 photo blogging project, what is your opinion about this question? Are their advantages or benefits of Posterous or a self-hosted WordPress blog which make it an obvious choice for a 365 photos blog? Is Flickr all I should use for the project, or is cross-posting to a blog worthwhile from a networking / learning standpoint or for other reasons?

Wes with Bailey and Jake

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9 responses to “365 Photo Blog: Posterous, WordPress or just Flickr?”

  1. Ken Avatar

    Wes, I have used Posterous for my Project 52 weekly photos this year and I used a combination of flickr and blogger for my Project 365 for this year

    Having said that I do like the Posterous platform for a variety of reasons, but you really have more options for the UI with wordpress. I look forward to any additional suggestions you receive on this posting.

    Also let me know if you need/want any resources to help you with your Project 365.

  2. Wesley Fryer Avatar

    Thanks Ken! I’m thinking the ability of Posterous to cross-post is a real plus – It’s possible to have the Posterous blog cross-post to both Flickr and WordPress. I think ownership of content is an issue – I certainly hope Posterous to persist forever (and Flickr) but having the content on a self-hosted blog would be a safeguard/insurance against the Posterous site going away at some point.

  3. Ryan Collins Avatar

    No love for 🙂 You can set it up as a subdomain (such as and they easily allow you to export the entire site.

  4. Wesley Fryer Avatar

    I’ll admit to having Baby Duck Syndrome with Posterous. 🙂 I used it first and have still not tried Tumblr, though I know it takes a similar approach to blogging and sharing. Do you know if many 356 photographers and bloggers use Tumblr? Bob Sprankle has found a fair number using Posterous, and likes the “follow within Posterous” option for other photo blogs. Perhaps I should give Tumblr a try precisely because I haven’t yet, and therefore feel ill-equipped to provide a comparative answer on the features and options of the 2 sites. They do have a free iOS app too. Are you a 365 project blogger, Ryan?

  5. Allanah King Avatar

    I don’t know how to do the self hosted WordPress thing but this year I used a free WordPress blog for my 365.

    I love it cos it samples your photos and automatically creates a complementary background for it. On the downside you only see one day’s photo at a time unless you go looking through the archive.

    I am really surprised that I have managed to keep going every day for the whole year. I would not have been able to do that without the support of the other kiwi 365ers who have kept me going with the comments and community. For me, just posting a photo everyday without any support of encouragement would not have been enough to keep me going anywhere near February!

    When I get to the 365 I am going to print off an iPhoto book with all the photos in.

    Next year I am going to have another go at it – this time leaving out the computer entirely- straight from my iPhone4 to Posterous- using a variety of apps on the phone when I need to to jolly the photos up.

    I have the Posterous cross posting to my family blog so that the family can see what I’m up to as well.

    I’ve had a couple of practice posts to set the whole thing up and I quite like the challenge of keeping up the 365 project but trying something new as well.

    Good luck with your project.

  6. Ryan Collins Avatar

    Every year I’ve thought about doing it… Maybe I’ll try it this year! 🙂

    I tried Posterous awhile back, and there just wasn’t the intangible “nice” factor. It felt like it was designed by programmers, and had the programming feel. Tumblr did do that, especially with all the themes available. Maybe I should re-look at Posterous!

    And Tumblr allows you to post by email along with using the app.

  7. Heather Durnin Avatar

    Similar to Allanah’s comment above, I used WordPress this year for my first 365 day challenge. Last January, I wrote a post about how to upload photos from your iPhone into the WordPress blog.

    I loved see the complimentary colour assigned to the background of the photo. This really set the image off, compared to just running it through Flickr.

    Most importantly, this project made me focus on something really meaningful that would be my photo of the day. I ended up taking pictures of things that I might never have considered previously. I’ve enjoyed the project and intend to continue again this year.

    All the best with your project.

  8. girltaristhan Avatar

    What did you decide in the end?
    I’m starting photo365 on Friday (I turn 26 too).

    I have a WordPress blog and don’t know whether to just post to that or to go with a separate.

  9. Wesley Fryer Avatar

    Last year I used the Tumblr app on my iPhone to post just to my 365 Tumblr blog:

    This year I’ve been using (and loving) Instagram on my iPhone and for 365 project photos, I cross post to my Tumblr blog, and Twitter, and Facebook. Instagram is awesome.