Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

A Lesson Idea About Our Inherent Value as Human Beings

This is a good lesson idea to help students understand our inherent value as human beings, and the importance of not doing harmful things to our bodies (like using illegal drugs.)

Standing before 30 Little Harbour students, 6-foot-8 former NBA player Dwight Davis took $8 in his hand, crumpled it up, threw it on the floor and stomped on it. “Money has a value just like you have a value. If I throw it, if I stomp on it, it still has the same value,” Davis said. “As you grow up and get older, there are going to be challenges in life. You will be tempted to do things that aren’t right. I’m telling you don’t do it. As long as you don’t do those things, you keep your value.”

Of course, the value we all have as human beings remains even when we make bad choices. Bad choices don’t make us into trash, anymore than stomping on a bill of money reduces its  value in the commercial marketplace. I like the use of this money metaphor to help others understand these critical lessons.


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