Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Photo 365 Projects on Seedlings: Thurs Jan 6th

Please join my daughter, Sarah, and I, along with Dean Shareski and Charles Farrel, as special guests on the January 6th webcast of Seedlings on EdTechTalk. (That’s tomorrow night!) Seedlings is a wonderful, FREE, weekly audio webcast (with a text backchannel) hosted by Bob Sprankle, Alice Barr and Cheryl Oakes— made possible by the fantastic folks at EdTechTalk. This is a photo of Sarah and I with the amazing Seedlings in October 2009, when we were in Maine for the ACTEM conference.

Cheryl Oakes, Wesley Fryer, Alice Barr, Sarah Fryer, and Bob Sprankle

Our theme for tomorrow’s webcast is Photo 365 projects, which Sarah and I have started for 2011. We are both using Tumblr blogs to share our photos, and iPhones (1st gen and an iPhone4) to take our daily pics. Sarah’s 365 blog is on and mine is Charles’ 365 blog is I’m excited to learn more about what Charles as well as Dean are doing with their photography. Dean has a Flickr photo feed Twitter account as @dshareski, and has a photo Twitter list on shareski/photos. His 365 photos are on Flickr. Bob has links to three different photography blogs from His 365 blog, an iPhoneography blog, and a PhotoShop blog. Cheryl’s well into year 2 of her 365 photo project, and posts daily to a Flickr set. I don’t think Alice is doing a 365 photo project.

Since I’m now following 365 photo projects on multiple platforms (not just Tumblr) I’ve subscribed to these sites within a single Google Reader category. I made that into a Google Reader Bundle (including 16 different feeds at present) and you can subscribe to it if desired.

Google Reader - photostreams

The conversations begin tomorrow evening (North American time) at 7:30 pm EST / 6:30 pm CST / 5:30 pm MST / 4:30 pm PDT. Visit to join, listening to the live audio stream and joining in the backchannel text chat.

Seedlings on Facebook

Archived Seedlings webcasts are available on Bob Sprankle’s Bit by Bit blog. Follow @SeedlingsPLN on Twitter, and also “Like” the Seedlings Facebook page to stay up to date on upcoming shows.

Also don’t miss the Seedlings’ “Geek of the Week” links shared on as seedlingsgeekoftheweek.

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9 responses to “Photo 365 Projects on Seedlings: Thurs Jan 6th”

  1. Eric Lawson Avatar

    I wish I could listen in live, but I have our last indoor soccer league game before they switch over to Wednesday nights. Have fun! I can’t wait to hear the podcast.

  2. Wesley Fryer Avatar

    The show will be archived as a podcast by Bob so you can catch it later. Sorry we’ll miss you. 🙂

    Enjoy the soccer game!

  3. Allanah King Avatar

    The whole concept is taking off which is great.

    We’ve got a whole bunch of ‘down under’ 365ers that I would like to share their google RSS feed for but I haven’t worked out how to do that yet. OK now I have worked it out- by looking for the word Bundle in the drop down menu. The key is knowing what to ask? I was looking for folder.

    This comment is too much stream of consciousness. 😉


  4. Shaun Wood Avatar

    I have participated in 365 for two years now and perfer using just Flickr instead of a blog although I look forward to sharing experiences in your live chat.

    What about encouraging students to 365? I have created a 365 Classes (a collaborative effort rather than individual) for my students, and others, for 2011. I would love your thoughts and suggestions.