Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Learning about Glass Blowing in Santa Fe, New Mexico (videos)

Did you know a “freezer” for cooling glass can be one thousand degrees fahrenheit?!

A collage of glass blower images in Santa Fe

This past Christmas break, our family stopped in Santa Fe, New Mexico and visited Jackalope. Our favorite part of the store (which is fantastic) is the glass blower’s demonstration area, where we learned numerous things about this intriguing art form. I recorded several videos (with permission) of the glass blowing demonstrations. The first video is on YouTube, the next two are on Flickr. (Flickr limits videos to a maximum length of 90 seconds.) Enjoy!

Glass Blowing Demonstration and the Story of Witches’ Balls in Seaports (2:58)

A Glass Blowing Demonstration (90 seconds)

Making a flower with glass – a glass blower demonstration (60 seconds)

We purchased a glass flower which the same glass blower had created earlier using the same method shown in the last video above.

A flower made by a glass blower at Jackalope in Santa Fe, New Mexico

I used the iOS app “Color Splash” to make another photo of the flower black and white, and then colorized the blue glass in the image for my 365 project photo the day we saw these demonstrations.

A colorized photo (using Color Splash on an iPhone) of a glass flower

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