Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

10 Slots Remain for Celebrate Oklahoma Voices Workshop in Yukon: 19-21 Jan 2011

As the executive director of Storychasers, I’m cross-posting the following information here from the Storychasers blog.

Storychasers is pleased to announce the dates for four upcoming “phase 1” digital storytelling workshops in Spring 2011:

  • Celebrate Oklahoma Voices 19-21 Jan 2011 Yukon, OK
  • Celebrate Oklahoma Voices 2-4 Mar 2011 Midwest City, OK
  • TBA 6-8 Apr 2011 (location TBA)
  • TBA 20-22 Apr 2011 (location TBA)

Ten slots remain available / open for next week’s “Celebrate Oklahoma Voices” workshop in Yukon, Oklahoma. Visit our “Attend a Workshop” webpage for more information, and the link to submit an online inquiry for registration. We’d love to have you and others from your school or community join us!

Don Wilson leading a Storychasers Workshop

Pricing for our 2011 workshops has been reduced and simplified. The “standard cost” for our 2.5 day phase 1 workshops, including digital backpack equipment each participant keeps, is $499 per person. If participants (or schools) do not want to pay to keep equipment, the “standard cost” for the workshop is $249 per person. In 2011 we are extending offers to several state organizations in Texas, Kansas, and Oklahoma, to formally partner with us and offer discounted workshop options for their members. More information about workshop pricing and partnership opportunities is available.

Celebrate Oklahoma Voices Partner Workshop: October 2008

We are in the process of updating and combining information from various websites in a new Storychasers’ informational website: If you have any feedback, suggestions, or ideas, we’d love to hear from you. We hope to empower many new “digital witnesses” in 2011. Please help spread the word about our workshops so your local community can gain more digital storytellers this year!

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