What does it mean to have vision as an educational leader in 2011? That is the question I challenge YOU to answer personally, and post your answer in video form to YouTube with the tag “digitalvision2011.” Please share your answer in 30 seconds or less.
As these videos are recorded and posted to YouTube, they will aggregate with the shared tag (or keyword) we use to label them. A search of YouTube for “digitalvision2011” will bring those videos up for anyone to see. My purpose in offering this 30 second video challenge is three-fold:
- To amplify the voices of people with compelling ideas about educational leadership
- To provide opportunities for more educators to publish on YouTube and leverage the power of the platform in a global, collaborative project
- To create and invite others to create aggregated mashups of ideas about visionary educational leadership
Videos published in this challenge will be shared under a under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License, and participation in the project serves as acknowledgement and agreement of these license terms.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
You are welcome to record and share videos of other people responding to this prompt, but as the video publisher you are responsible for securing their permission to share the video publicly on the Internet (YouTube) under the terms of this license. Current school administrators are especially encouraged to participate, but ANYONE can submit a video. Multiple videos can be submitted by the same person. Please include (along with other information you want to share) the following statement in the description of the posted YouTube video:
This video is shared as part of the “Vision for Educational Leadership in 30 Seconds” 2011 challenge, under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. More information about this project is available on http://wiki.powerfulingredients.com/digitalvision2011
I’ll be working with a group of about 50 school administrators next week in Missoula, Montana, in a 1.5 day hands-on workshop Karen Montgomery and I are calling, “Technology Leadership: PLNs, Vision & PD.” We will share some of the videos for this project which have been submitted to date at that workshop, and also invite participants (if they have not already) to submit their own 30 second video of ideas. Inspiration for this project is varied, including my videography project in 2003 for the Texas Technology Leadership Academy, the 2009 “Film on the Fly” cell phone digital storytelling contest, and Michael Wesch‘s recently announced digital ethnography project, #VOST2011. It will be exciting to see, listen to and watch what YOU choose to share! 🙂
Technorati Tags:
change, education, leadership, technology, video, voices, youtube, edleadership, challenge, vision, reform
2 responses to “Vision for Educational Leadership in 30 Seconds: A Challenge #digitalvision2011”
I’m very tempted to do this project. Very cool of you to promote it.