Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Montana Voices: Digital Vision for Schools 2011 Challenge #mtvision

A couple weeks ago in Missoula, Montana, Karen Montgomery and I led a 1.5 day workshop for educational leaders focused on “Technology Leadership: PLNs, Vision & PD.” During the workshop, participants attending face-to-face in Missoula as well as remotely via H.323 videoconferencing links responded to the “Digital Vision for Schools 2011 Challenge” by recording 30 second videos and posting them to YouTube. This is a four minute video montage of the submissions by six of our workshop participants. I’ll be sharing this tomorrow as part of my keynote address at the 2011 Mississippi Educational Computing Association‘s annual conference.

Read more about our workshop and learning experiences together with Montana educators on my January post, “Highlights from Today’s Technology Leadership Workshop in Missoula, MT.”

Access more videos related to educational leadership and digital vision on

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