Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Web Browser Options #gct

I have shared the following information as a resource page on my “Technology 4 Teachers” curriculum wiki.

Internet Explorer is NOT the only software option when it comes to viewing websites on the Internet. Websites SHOULD be designed to be standards-compliant, but sometimes they are not and display content differently in different web browsers. The following 69 second video from Google concisely explains what a web browser is and is not. (More browser resources are available from Google on the site For Google and many other organizations / individuals today, the web browser is THE most important piece of software on your computer, smart phone or other digital device capable of accessing the Internet.

For our Technology 4 Teachers Course, I recommend trying at least one or two alternative web browsers on your OWN computer in addition to the one you use currently. Here are some options to try:

  1. Google Chrome
  2. FireFox
  3. Safari
  4. RockMelt

A more exhaustive list of available web browsers is available on WikiPedia.






One response to “Web Browser Options #gct”

  1. Chris Johnston Avatar

    So nice to see somebody letting teachers know that there are other browsers. It infuriates me when I see people who think IE is the only browser but not as much as when I come across sites that ONLY work in IE.