Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Snow Day Scratch Fun: Using the Broadcast Tag

Today is another snow day for my girls who attend in Edmond Public Schools, so this morning we spent some time learning more and playing in Scratch. I’m starting a multi-week Scratch unit with my “Technology 4 Teachers” students next week, so I needed to get back into the program and spend some time with it. I showed my girls how to use the “broadcast” tag in Scratch, to setup different scenes which use different backgrounds in a script or trigger simultaneous actions with more than one sprite.

Broadcast Block in Scratch

I created the short animated story, “Google Docs Blocked” today in Scratch and shared it (via the program’s provided SHARE option) to my profile page on the Scratch website. It includes 5 sprites and 12 scripts, and shares the website “Balanced Filtering in Schools” as a source of ideas to address this situation.

Scratch Project

What have you created lately? If you haven’t already, spend some time creating in Scratch! It’s not only free, it’s also a program with a “low bar and high ceiling” for creativity, as Dr. Mitch Resnik says.

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One response to “Snow Day Scratch Fun: Using the Broadcast Tag”

  1. Jeremy Avatar

    I just got my son a new HD LED computer and discovered your post about scratch. Were home schoolers here and yhis looks like a great program to stretch his creativity. Some of the examples on their site have got him coming up with some neat projects already.