Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

A Voice of Reason on US Education Policy

Dr Yong Zhao has the most on target, research-based, reasonable ideas about education reform in the United States today of anyone I’ve read or heard. In reference to President Obama’s January State of the Union address he wrote:

President Obama actually got the destination right when he said “the first step in winning the future is encouraging American innovation.” But he chose the wrong path.

To encourage American innovation starts with innovative and creative people. But a one-size-fits-all education approach, standardized and narrow curricula, tests-driven teaching and learning, and fear-driven and demoralizing accountability measures are perhaps the most effective way to kill innovation and stifle creativity.

What America really needs is to capitalize on its traditional strengths—a broad definition of education, an education that respects individuality, tolerates deviation, celebrates diversity. America also needs to restore faith in its public education, respects teacher autonomy, and trusts local school leaders elected or selected by the people.

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