Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Volunteer Your Site to Host a Summer 2011 Storychasers’ Workshop

Are you interested in providing an outstanding, two or 2.5 day opportunity for educators in your area to learn about digital storytelling and oral history? If so, please consider “volunteering your site” to host a summer 2011 Storychasers’ workshop! We are providing workshops in Oklahoma, Kansas and Texas in 2011 to support the Celebrate Oklahoma Voices, Celebrate Kansas Voices, and Celebrate Texas Voices statewide projects, and are putting together our summer workshop schedule now! We’d love to add your site to our calendar. After reviewing our workshop host site requirements, please complete our online workshop hosting inquiry form. Ideally we like organizations hosting one of our workshops to send several people to attend, but there is not a minimum number of participants you MUST send to a workshop in order to host one in your location. Some of the organizations eligible to host Storychaser workshops (as long as requirements can be met in the provided facility) include:

  • Schools
  • Education Service Centers / Educational Service Units
  • Regional Technology Centers
  • Libraries
  • Museums
  • Historical Societies
  • College and University Departments

Conference rooms can be used for BYOL (bring your own laptop) workshops if a computer lab is not available. Our workshops are cross-platform, meaning they are offered in both Windows-based and Apple/Macintosh-based computing environments.

DSC00672photo © 2009 Wesley Fryer | more info (via: Wylio)
Storychaser phase 1 workshops are 2 or 2.5 day opportunities to learn the basics of creating a digital story using a “Digital Backpack” of supplies. Participants learn how to use portable audio recorders, microphones, audio editing software (Audacity) and video software (PhotoStory3 or iMovie) to create short, 3 – 5 minute videos using audio and still images. To get a better idea of the kinds of videos workshop participants create, check out some of the 850+ videos on Celebrate Oklahoma Voices and some of the 30+ videos on Celebrate Kansas Voices currently. Our project has been underway in Oklahoma since 2007, but just started in 2010 in Kansas. We’re starting this year (in 2011) in Texas.

If your school, school district, or organization currently has grant dollars for professional development / training which need to be encumbered by a specific date, we’ll be glad to work with you in scheduling a Storychasers workshop in your area for teachers to attend.

More information about our workshops and Storychasers is available on our website frequently asked questions (FAQ) page. If you have other questions don’t hesitate to contact us by phone or electronically!

Remember we have three upcoming Storychaser workshop opportunities on our calendar in April, and registration for these classes remains open!

  • Celebrate Oklahoma Voices 7-8 Apr 2011 (Midwest City, OK)
  • Celebrate Texas Voices 18-19 Apr 2011 (Lubbock, TX)
  • Celebrate Kansas Voices 21-22 Apr 2011 (Manhattan, KS)

Cross-posted from the Storychasers’ blog. Follow @storychasers on Twitter and on Facebook.

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