If you use a blog for any purpose, including a class blog students access, it’s VERY important to configure it with comment moderation enabled. One of the easiest (and free) ways to create a blog today and share rich media (images, audio and video) as well as text with hyperlinks is to use Posterous. When you configure a Posterous blog for comment moderation, and someone leaves a comment, you receive an email like the one below.
You can click the provided link in the email to moderate the comment, visit your Posterous site (after you’ve logged in) and choose to either approve or delete the comment.
For more details about setting up a moderated blog on Posterous, see my post and eleven minute screencast, “Set Up a Moderated Class Blog on Posterous” from TalkwithMedia.com. Also check out my conference presentation resources, “Share Your Ideas: Platforms for Publishing” for additional links / ideas.
Technorati Tags:
blog, blogging, edtech, education, moderation, posterous, technology