Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Spots available for April 2011 Storychasers Workshops

Spots are still available for teachers, librarians, and other educators to register for Storychaser workshops in April 2011. These opportunities include:

  1. A “Celebrate Oklahoma Voices” digital storytelling and oral history workshop April 7-8 in Midwest City, Oklahoma, to be held in MidDel Public Schools
  2. A “Celebrate Texas Voices” digital storytelling and oral history workshop April 18-19 in Lubbock, Texas, to be held at ESC Region 17
  3. A “Celebrate Kansas Voices” digital storytelling and oral history workshop April 21-22 in Manhattan, Kansas, to be held at Kansas State University

In this two day workshop, participants learn how to use free software (Audacity and PhotoStory3 or iMovie) along with a “digital backpack” of equipment to create short, 3-5 minute videos shared online in our moderated learning community. Participants can either pay $500 to keep equipment or $250 to borrow equipment for the duration of the workshop. People interested in registering should complete our online form available on:

More information about the workshop and Storychasers is available on our FAQ page:

If you are interested in “volunteering your site” to host a summer 2011 Storychasers workshop in Oklahoma, Kansas or Texas, please contact Storychasers soon!

Dr Owens-Delong hard at work facilitating a Storychasers workshop!photo © 2008 Wesley Fryer | more info (via: Wylio)

(Cross-posted from the Storychasers blog)

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