These are my notes from a presentation by Mary Colvin and Karen Howard of the Oklahoma State Department of Education on April 6, 2011, in Oklahoma City about “ARRA: Title I and IDEA in Oklahoma.” This was shared as part of the First Year Superintendents’ Conference sponsored by the Oklahoma State Department of Education. MY THOUGHTS ARE IN ALL CAPS.
Mantra for ARRA program funds: Dream big. Dream quickly. Spend wisely.
I like what our previous speaker, Socrates of Renaissance Architects, said about superintendents: You are responsible for everyone’s behavior.
ARRA funds will expire soon, this means utilizing remaining funds QUICKLY should be a top priority in your district
– look at your remaining ARRA funds
– what do we need to do to complete the expenditure process
– all funds must be utilized as quickly as possible
Funds will be expiring, many memos have been sent out to districts to urge superintendents to look at their close out processes
Approvable expenditures
– ARRA is on the same lines as TitleI
– whatever you have spent in the past under TitleIA is treated the same as ARRA (you were just told to dream a little bigger – $109 million was available)
– this has been a massive undertaking
We will pass out remaining balances to districts for ARRA and TitleI
Deadlines for FY2011
– districts must encumber all FY2011 funds by THursday, June 30, 2011 (this means have it designated in the accounting system)
– districts must submit final claims to our offices by Monday, August 1, 2011 (if you want to be paid in FY2011)
ARRA funds not encumbered or expanded by Thursday, June 30, 2011 will carryover into FY2012
– districts that have not expended or encumbered all ARRA funds by Thursday, June 30, 2011, must perform closeout on the ARRA online expenditure reporting system to move the ARRA funds into FY2012
April 21st webinar / videoconference scheduled
Title I Carryover Waivers
– becuase of Title I, Part A funds made available via ARRA 2009, districts may request a waiver to carryover more than 15% of Title I, Part A and Title I, Part A, ARRA from FY 2011 to FY 2012
If carryover is going to more than 15% that puts you in the excess carryover category
Approvable Expenditure REports Must Include:
– Is the expenditure on the report included in the approved budget?
– Is the coding on the expenditure report correct and does it match the approved budget?
– Does the reporting period only include one month (e.g.: June 1, 2010 – June 30, 2010)?
– If the expenditure report has personnel, were those individuals included in the approved budget?
Technorati Tags:
funding, oklahoma, school, arra, idea, title, title1, titlei, report, reporting