The current TMobile advertisement for their 4G network data plans, “Step Up to Nationwide 4G Without Losing Your Shirt,” is pretty funny– particularly their portrayal of the AT&T exec. The setup for the advertisement is a direct play on Apple’s “Get a Mac” ad campaign featuring John Hodgman as PC and Justin Long as Mac. In this case, Carly Foulkes is the spokeswoman for TMobile. There is considerable irony in this jab at AT&T now, considering the announced buyout of TMobile by AT&T announced March 20th. Something tells me AT&T will be taking this ad campaign off air and offline once that buyout is finalized… or maybe sooner? Ads like this which are humorous spinoffs on existing, successful ads make for effective marketing. Clever creativity, which also happens to be funny. Marketing in our attention economy doesn’t get much better than this from the consumer perspective.
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ad, advertisement, apple, att, iphone, tmobile, marketing, carly, foulkes