This week was historic: the first workshop for “Celebrate Texas Voices” was held at Region 17 Service Center in Lubbock. Twenty five educators from around West Texas gathered for two days to learn how to create digital stories using a “digital backpack” of equipment and free software.

Here are a few of the wonderful stories created by these South Plains digital storytellers! More information is available if you want to attend an upcoming Storychasers workshop or are interested in “volunteering your site” to host a Storychasers workshop!
Find more videos like this on Celebrate Texas Voices
Find more videos like this on Celebrate Texas Voices
Find more videos like this on Celebrate Texas Voices
Find more videos like this on Celebrate Texas Voices
Find more videos like this on Celebrate Texas Voices
These Ning-embedded videos are Flash-based and not currently iOS compatible. We are working on addressing that soon via cross-posting our videos and creating an HTML5 compatible, mobile-optimized website.
– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad