Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

A Call to Action: Waging a War to Save our Republic

In his 11 minute presentation at Harvard’s Think Big 2 Event, Larry Lessig shared a passionate call for us to become “root strikers,” in the parlance of Henry David Thoreau, to wage a war to save our republic from the funders who now buy influence in Washington DC as a normal matter of course.

Take about ten minutes to watch this video and be inspired. I agree with Larry, it’s time to strike the roots.

Cross section of a trees' roots * Flickr Explorephoto © 2007 Aaron Escobar | more info (via: Wylio)

We need to take action to take back our republic from the corporations and wealthy individuals who now purchase the laws they want. As Larry exhorts us, the dependency of our nation should be on the will of the people. This is the REAL political reform we need to advance in the United States.

Moneyphoto © 2009 Andrew Magill | more info (via: Wylio)

Thanks to Liz Davis for sharing the Harvard Think Big 2 Event via Twitter. I also shared a post about the event’s videos on The Master Teacher blog.

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2 responses to “A Call to Action: Waging a War to Save our Republic”

  1. Wkatol Avatar

    Isn’t this what the Tea Party is doing???

  2. Wesley Fryer Avatar

    I’m not sure the Tea Party has a coherent agenda to advance at this point other than sharing anger and cutting spending on non-defense budget items. I’d love to see people of all political colors rally behind the cause of ending financial corruption in government. I haven’t heard Tea Party advocates talking about this. Have you? Do you have links you can share which highlight Tea Party folks talking about ending corporate control of U.S. legislation?