Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Kyle Nelson on Social Media

These are my notes from Kyle Nelson’s presentation “Social Media” at the 2011 MoRanch Men’s Conference near Hunt, Texas. The focus of Kyle’s presentation was helping Presbyterian Church leaders and members to better understand social media and how it can be leveraged to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Kyle works with LaunchFish

Social media is your tool for evangelism

Google loves indexing twitter and tweets

They are talking about you right now, do you know what they are saying?
– are they having more conversations NOT about you Slide: the world is plugged in and online

Number one site for traffic, Google
– next is Facebook (they were #1 a few months ago)
– 600 million use Facebook
3rd is YouTube, it is #

Twitter was 11th, now 8th

WordPress is 20th

Social media is #1 activity on the web, not porn (that’s good news!)

If you don’t show up in the search results, you don’t show up…

Seth Godin: “If the marketplace isn’t talking about you… There’s a reason. The reason is you’re boring.”

Introducing social media YouTube video: Social Media Revolution 2 (Refresh) by Socialnomics09

This video for $200 launched author Erik Qualman’s writing career

The Network Theory Analogy
– imagine moving to a new town where no one knows you. What was the first thing you would do?
– congregating around people with similar thought patterns and ideas

A typical SIMM process
– Research how others are using social media, how can we use social media
– Mine: who is talking?
– Listen: what are they saying?
– Create: Develop social media campaign and generate unique content

Make your message VIRAL with social media

Example of LaunchFish working with site Seize the Deal, offering deal on 57% off TCU vs Oregon State football game in cowboy stadium

26 million mommy bloggers in the world
– they have huge power and make lots of money

89% of personal bank accounts are managed by women

Key is going to the key influencers that you reach out to, you don’t reach out in a campaign to millions of people directly (cast a wider net by reaching out ot influencers) got 17 pages of comments on this thread

Evolution of media themes
– guardianship of the republic
– stewardship, care of the commons
– readership, circulation and advertising
– leadership in recording
– listenership, radio
– viewership, tv
– visitorship, unique visitors on the Internet
– believership, social media
— using ‘trusted sources’ inbound not outbound (The Power of at the Referral)

It’s not about building a website and getting people there

Social media is about trust and building trust
– if I talk about myself you are not going go trust me, but if I talk about things I know you will

78% of consumers trust peer recommendations, only 14% trust advertisements

2500 small businesses surveyed, 63.4% feel most of their business comes from referrals
– most don’t have a way to track referrals, however

Ever heard of ‘smile and dial?’
– blogging is the new smile and dial
– blogging more often = results
– we are in a content war now

Obtain a better SEO ranking by blogging

Google favors websites like blogs which have constant content

Participant: terms that get a lot of search results
– is heaven on earth
– Orthodoxy vs Taking your blog down and republishing is like starting over from Google

Think about “reimagining” your content instead of republishing it

Lots of people searching for Lady Gaga and the Apostle Paul

What would the 12 Apostles do with a tool like Social Media?
– a line from “Jesus Christ Superstar” was, what would Jesus do with mass media?

It is very easy to share content with others today Do test searches on Google as well as Facebook and do keyword searches

You don’t have to publish all your own content, you can share and amplify ideas of others

I am looking at you (as a content source) as a funnel and a filter

What does ROI look like for your church?
– more referrals
– more views of your site

The Power of a Tribe: Introducing The Social Media Ecosystem
– forming your tribe: notes from Seth Godin

Tip for bloggers: look at trending topics on Twitter and Google, and post content to those subjects
– every journalist is on Twitter, if you get on their radar screens you will cast a wider net

Website tells you how much clout you have on the web
– Google has it’s own tool for this

Recommendation is to copy social media campaign strategy from things launchfish, create a main site that is an aggregator site for different church blogs

Another video: Google Social Search Update

The more you publish, the more you can mute the negative and accentuate the positive

You have an opportunity to build your own personal brand now better than ever

Teens have an entitlement mentality about social media now

I like Weebly and WordPress as blogging platforms for beginners, Blogger is also great and super Google indexing

Go to YouTube and Google to figure out how to use Facebook


Recommendation: Follow your own church and supporting organizations on Twitter, Facebook, etc.
– then convince your church to start regularly publishing content, and aggregate your content together with other churches

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