Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

7th Annual American Indian Learner’s Conference: May 21, 2011

If you are in or near the Oklahoma City metro area, consider attending the 7th Annual American Indian Learner’s Conference this Saturday, May 21st at the University of Central Oklahoma in Edmond. The $75 registration fee covers lunch and supplies. Details are available in the conference PDF, available on the website of the Oklahoma Center for Arts Education.

7th Annual American Indian Learner's Conference

I’ll be sharing a breakout session at the conference after lunch on technology integration, and will focus on “Simple Ideas for Powerful Sharing” using the website I’ll also share digital storytelling examples from “Celebrate Oklahoma Voices” and discuss how people can get involved with upcoming summer workshops offered by Storychasers in Oklahoma as well as Kansas. Many thanks to Ines Burnham and the planning committee for the conference for their hard work and the invitation to participate. Please join us Saturday in Edmond at UCO if you can!

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