Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Humor Can Help End PowerPoint Abuse

Comedian Don McMillian‘s 2008 skit, “Life After Death By PowerPoint” (4 min, 24 sec) is a favorite video of mine to share with pre-service education students learning how to use images effectively in the “Presentation Zen” style of Garr Reynolds.

Welcome to Powerpointphoto © 2007 Gareth Saunders | more info (via: Wylio)

Yesterday, thanks to a tweet from Stuart Ciske, I learned Don has a revised version of his humorous skewering of PowerPoint abuse: “Life After Death by Powerpoint 2010.” Enjoy!

I’ve included this as a recommended video in the “Images” chapter of “Playing with Media: simple ideas for powerful sharing.” I’m planning to publish the ePUB ebook version on July 4th. If you haven’t already, please “like” the Facebook page I’ve setup for the book to stay updated!

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2 responses to “Humor Can Help End PowerPoint Abuse”

  1. Bethany Smith Avatar
    Bethany Smith

    I love to use this video as well! It really does set the right tone when I start a Presentation Zen workshop Glad to hear that he updated it. Thanks for passing it along.