Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Good Reasons to Try Google+

I’ll readily admit I wasn’t very excited when I learned Google has started a new social networking platform, Google+. It isn’t that I doubt Google engineers’ abilities to innovate. My lack of enthusiasm has more to do with information and social networking fatigue. Starting to use a new social networking platform at this point in my life isn’t naturally a high priority. We all have limited time, and I certainly could stick with Twitter and Facebook at this point. There are good reasons to use and explore Google+, however, and the following 2.5 minute video by Epipheo Studios highlights several of them.

I use Google for my email and blog/news reading already. I “live” in Google’s virtual spaces a large segment of each day. Google is a big part of my “information radar screen” already, so it makes sense that a functional social network tied to these digital nodes would be more convenient and natural for me to use.

'DF-ST-090-07409' photo (c) 2011, Expert Infantry - license:

I’ve been surprised and impressed at high levels of activity and engagement in Google+ post discussions so far. Like everyone else I’m not entirely certain where the collaborative energy we’re putting into Google+ is eventually going, but I’m sure it is going to get better. It’s already quite good. Digital connections and collaboration are in their infancy, and even at this crude stage I’m blown away by the power and possibilities.

On Google+ yet? See you there!

Hat tip to Brooke Mulartrick for this share on Google+. Kudos to Epipheo Studios for this effective explanation of “Why Google+.” They have other great videos on their YouTube channel worth checking out.

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