Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Other People’s Photos Showing Up in my TwitPic Photo Stream

Please shed some light on this TwitPic mystery if you can.

A month or so ago, my mom (who subscribes to my TwitPic account feed in her news reader) told me some strange photos were showing up in my stream. I tried to replicate what she was seeing and couldn’t. The strange photos were not showing up on the webpage for my TwitPic account, just in my feed. A few weeks ago when I was back in Kansas, I helped her unsubscribe and re-subscribe to the feed. That seemed to remove the strangely appearing pics.

Today, however, I saw that a photo I DID NOT TAKE showed up in my TwitPic feed and auto-posted to my Facebook page. Thank goodness this wasn’t an inappropriate photo!

TwitPic Mystery

The questions are:

  1. Who in the world is in this photo?
  2. How did this photo get included in my TwitPic photo stream?
  3. How can I stop this from happening again in the future?

For now, I’ve deleted this auto-crosspost authorization from my TwitterFeed account. That will stop these mysterious pics from showing up on my Facebook wall. It will not, however, stop these photos from showing up in my TwitPic photo stream. I didn’t have any luck looking for answers via Google or in the official TwitPic FAQ.

If you have ideas how to address this (in addition to changing my Twitter password) please let me know. I’m submitting this as a new TwitPic helpdesk ticket and will post the results of what I learn here in hopes it will help others who also run into this problem. I’m sure I can’t be the only TwitPic user facing this.

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