You’re hereby invited to join in a free webinar on Tuesday, September 20th at 11 am Eastern / 10 am Central / 9 am Mountain / 8 am Pacific hosted by eTechOhio in Elluminate Live / Blackboard Collaborate. This is the direct link to join the session using your web browser. (The link will be active within 30 minutes of the session start time.) I’m kicking off the 2011 “eTechOhio Commissioner Webinar Series” with a session discussing ideas from my recently published eBook, “Playing with Media: simple ideas for powerful sharing.”
Here are the slides I’ll be discussing during the webinar. Please tune in and bring lots of good questions!
More details about this webinar are available from eTechOhio. David Warlick, Kevin Honeycutt, and Scott McLeod are scheduled to share additional webinars in this series in October, November and December. I’m honored to be among these creative folks, and appreciate eTechOhio providing this opportunity for me to share my passion for student-created media projects!
Remember you can view examples of student-created media projects on, and also contribute your own example this month to have a chance at winning an iRig microphone.
As a related aside, my opening keynote at the 2009 eTechOhio educational technology conference remains archived on the eTechOhio iTunesU channel. If you ever have an opportunity to attend and/or present at their conference, don’t pass it up! This year the eTechOhio conference is scheduled for February 13-15, 2012, in Columbus. Thanks to 2009 eTechOhio conference organizers, I met and started following Ryan Collins. Connections like this are priceless, because “connected learning” opportunities don’t have to end when a conference is over.
Hope to “see you” in Tuesday’s webinar!
Technorati Tags: ebook, edtech, learning, playingwithmedia, technology, webinar, etechohio